The Atari Compendium
The Atari Compendium (Toad Computers) (1994).iso
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Text File
699 lines
0index ?? This index, which is the last past in the big one.
abe.arc 78 Robust encoder/decoder
acc11.lzh 2 Place accs outside of root directory
acc13.arc 10 Load accs from a folder.
acc_ace2.arc 8 Become an ace of your accesories.
accent.zip 2 Keyboard extensions for MegaSTE/TT/F030 (?)
accload.arc 2 Load only the accs you want.
acctool.arc 87 File / Disk utility accessory
alarmclk.lzh 8 Alarm clock desk accessory. Like the mac version
allshell.lzh 8 Program launcher
amcgdos.arc 5 PD Gdos clone from Germany
antibomb.arc 14 Alert boxes, not bombs
append.lzh 7 Appends two files together.
ar20boot.arc 3 Utils for booting ar20 clock chip
ar20set.arc 5 Utils for setting ar20 clock chip
ardvark.lzh 5 Displays picture when F1 is pressed
ash070.arc 58 Vi like cli. Wrong section again, Jeff.
assassin.lzh 32 Edit ASSIGN.SYS files painlessly
atconv.arc 9 ATASCII <-> ASCII converter w/ src
atime89.arc 12 Ensure that the IKBD clock is correct
atomik35.zip 35 Data packer
autocopy.arc 6 Copies prgs to ramdisk at boot time
autodate.arc 4 Changes date automatically every day. Very handy.
autodisk.arc 9 Sets clock, then copies disk to a Ramdisk
autosort.arc 7 Sorts utils in auto folder to rid incompat. probs
autost.lzh 8 Starts programs automatically? In German, so ???
autox.lzh 7 Runs auto folders from any drive.
auxout.arc 10 Send control strings to the serial port
awk.arc 52 Very old version of awk.
barrel.arc 11 Redirects printer output to anywhere you'd like.
belltest.lzh 7 Convert .SND for NewBell use (V1.0)
belltest.txt 5 Doc for next program
belltst2.lzh 10 V2.0 of belltest, convert .SND for NewBell
Benchmark/ Programs to test the your machine vs. the benchmarks.
bench.arc 9 Quik Index V1.0
bmgteff.lzh 6 Benchmark for VDI text effects
dhry.lzh 10 Dhrystone bench mark test.
gbench31.zip 80 GEM-based benchmark program; shareware
gbnch403.lzh 113 GEM-based benchmark program, v4.03
memspeed.lzh 4 Benchmark program for testing RAM bus speed.
memspeed.zoo 6 Tests RAM bus speed (German)
prof2_13.zip 180 Profiler 2.13 (system info)
quikdex.arc 9 Quick Index V1.0
qindex16.lzh 8 Quick Index 1.6. Benchmark program
stats.lzh 20 See how your st compares to the norm
biclock.arc 5 Clock setting program for the Auto folder
bigcolor.lzh 16 Provides color for big screen emulator.
bigscrn.arc 7 Some sort of big screen utility.
bison.arc 144 ST port of gnu bison (Unix YACC look alike)
bit.lzh 34 Copies unprotected disks. Fast.
blink30.lzh 30 "Blink" utility programs for setting the palette.
bomb.arc 8 Tells you what the bombs mean in plain english.
boot.arc 4 Allows you to reboot your ST.
Bootmanagers/ Programs that allow you to configure auto programs etc
airbag.lzh 16 Bootselector (German)
altbt30e.lzh 8 Alternate booter.
auto_sel.lzh 2 Select which auto programs run at bootup
bcs.zip 78 Bootsector construction Set
boot162.zip 10 Bootmanager handles programs and accessories
bootmgr.lzh 30 Assign Auto progs / ACCs to function keys.
bootmst.arc 40 Boot configuration program
boots174.lzh 44 Bootsie ver. 1.74
bootxs200.lzh 23 Select ACC/CPX/Auto programs at boot time
easyboot.lzh 16 Boot manager
elfboot.lzh 56 Superboot like thing, w/gem interface.
elfboot2.lzh 58 Similar to superboot, but with gem interface
sb_other.lzh 61 Utilities for super booter
sbsounds.lzh 177 Sounds for superbooter
spbt81.lzh 156 Super Boot 8.1
superb74.lzh 149 Super boot v7.4 (works with 520ST systems)
sys_conf.arc 18 Boot config program
tubs_332.zip 93 The Ultimate Boot Selector 3.32
tubs_400.zip 107 The Ultimate Boot Selector 4.00
bootpi.arc 4 Display Degas pictures at boot-up
break.arc 13 <ctrl><del> break out of any program with this. Sure.
bsdiff.arc 11 BSD diff -like utility. Mv this too.
bubble.lzh 2 .ACC finds hidden mouse pointer. Handy!
buttnfix.lzh 3 Fixes tos error long click -> double click
calltime.arc 13 Record times of 'phone calls while you are out
capslock.arc 4 Monitor the status of the caps lock key
cat.arc 26 Unix like cat. Mv this Jeff.
catch.zoo 18 Master-Module (?) extension for signal-handler
cham119.lzh 9 Loads desk accs on the fly
chcgofnt.lzh 2 Chicago font ???
ckbd.zip 70 Keyboard driver access internat'l char sets
clearmem.arc 5 Assembler source for clearing, moving & comparing mem
cleo.arc 11 Supposed to give line edits in the dialog
Clocks/ various impementations of Clock programs
clock17e.lzh 31 Corner clock acc
d_uhr11.lzh 34 German digital clock ACC with alarm function
d_uhr11e.lzh 32 English version of d_uhr11.lzh
dclock1.zoo 52 A clock program, one with melting digits.
gclock.lzh 1 A clock program.
n_mentim.arc 2 Show time and date in desk menu
phwclk2.lzh 37 Local & world time in a window plus alarm & chime
sunclock.zoo 54 Just like on the sun, Earth spins with day/night line
wrldclka.lzh 54 World Clock from Dan Wilga
colacalc.lzh 11 Resident Calculator by Dan Wilga
coldboot.arc 2 Software cold booter.
coloremu.arc 1 Emulates a color mode in mono.
cons_fix.lzh 3 Fix console output from TurboST and QuickST
Controlpanels/ various and assorted system control panels
acc_1087.arc 19 Official atari vt52 emulator and c. panel
cpanel.lzh 25 Super deluxe control panel.
edi_uti1.lzh 24 Mouse acc, screen saver, etc.
james15d.lzh 24 Control panel replacement acc.
rocp8.arc 5 Read desktop.inf and apply saved changes.
schizo11.arc 20 Control panel
xcontrol.lzh 100 Atari's eXtensible Control panel, v1.31 for NA
xcontrol.zip 74 Atari's eXtensible Control panel, w/ .CPXs; v1.31
zcontrol.lzh 56 Xcontrol panel clone with extras
zcont20a.lzh 90 Zcontrol panel v. 2.0a
cookiest.zoo 131 Matija's cookie program for the ST
cpboot.arc 11 Copies boot sectors to other disks
Cpx/ .cpx's for Atari's XControl Panel
asciicpx.lzh 3 CPX dislpays ASCII values
asciitab.lzh 4 CPX displays full char. set
boot_cpx.lzh 5 Enable/disable auto prgs and accs.
clipcpx.lzh 10 Clipboard as a cpx
code_105.lzh 43 Code-CPX universal Modem/Printer/Midi Setups
cpxcalc.zoo 11 CPX calculator. In German.
cpx_asm.lzh 93 Collection of 13 German .CPXs, with docs.
cpx_mdls.changes 2 Changes from the last cpx_mdls. Update 10/11/91
cpx_mdls.lzh 31 CPX modules for controlx
cpx_mdls.zoo 29 Latest CPX modules - dated in December of 91
deskpic.zoo 43 CPX - put DEGAS background on your desktop.
diablocp.lzh 13 Diablo emulator CPX
disk_cpx.zoo 23 Disk drive control CPX German docs.
dive_cpx.zoo 30 "Diverse" CPXs (clock, frequency, etc) (German)
fileinfo.lzh 5 Disk utils CPX. (Essential)
ger_cpxs.lzh 30 German cpxs for xcontrol
hdcpx.lzh 12 High Density Disk formatter and Zoom .CPX
hplj4ger.zip 44 HP LaserJet 4 Controller CPX
ping_cpx.zoo 35 Replace bell sound (German)
tele_211.lzh 22 Telephone # database(German)
tshcpx_e.zip 18 Recoverable trash can .PRG and .CPX
wincol_e.zip 14 "English-ized" Window Color .CPX
crabs.arc 5 Crabs come and munch your windows. fun, fun, fun
crunch.arc 11 Crunches executables
ctv201.arc 19 Copy with time stamp
cursive.arc 25 Produces large letters out of smaller ones
curtain2.lzh 18 Alarm/System lock accessory
cvtran30.zip 94 Purports to translate English, German, Danish
French, Spanish, Italian & Portuguese...
dacalc.arc 26 A DA calculator
date.arc 12 Time setting utility
datefile.arc 8 Changes time/date attributes of files
Dc: A directory devoted to Double Click PD/Shareware utilities
dc_bhelp.arc 3 Causes a backspace when you press help
dc_cpx.arc 3 Sample CPX for Extensible Control Panel
dc_crc.arc 4 Keeps a crc checks